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Pukaha, Mount Bruce, National Wildlife Centre |
Mount Bruce Centre
Description Pukaha, Mount Bruce is a partnership between the National Wildlife Centre Trust, Rangitaane o Wairarapa and Department of Conservation. A key role undertaken is the captive breeding of threatened wildlife undertaken at the National Wildlife Centre within the Pukaha, Mount Bruce, forest. History In 1958, four Takahe chicks were brought to Mount Bruce for rearing. The Takahe and by then, other birds, were moved to the present site in 1962 and the Wildlife Service took on this avicultural role. In 1987 the Department of Conservation took over the Wildlife Service and Forest Service roles and now jointly administers the National Wildlife Centre with the National Wildlife Centre Trust Board. |
(page last updated 16 July 2007) |
web diva: Narena Olliver, new zealand birds limited , Greytown, New Zealand. 2006 |
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