nzbirds  >    birding (in New Zealand) :
Galleries, exhibitions and events
Visiting birders might be
interested in bird related galleries, exhibitions and events.

From late November 2006 New Zealand Birds will publish a list of galleries, exhibitions and events taking place throughout the country.

Check this page regulary for new listings!

Contact New Zealand
Birds for details on how to list on this page.

Email the web diva:
Narena Olliver


New Zealand Birds, The Greytown Gallery
101 Main Street
North Island
Greytown, Waiarapa

New Zealand Birds, The Greytown Gallery
101 Main Street, Greytown, (06) 304 8080.

Art Gallery open: Thursday — Monday,
10:00am to 4:00pm, (or by appointment)
Antique prints
Rare books

Tauranga, Bay of Plenty

ROW gallery, Wharf St., Tauranga

Photographs by Brian Chudleigh
Season: from 15 February 2007