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Ohiwa Harbour

Ohiwa Harbour  (1st page) Directions/Transport Site map Birds found here Photos / Images Reviews/Trip reports
Link to Birdsaplenty Bird Festival


Ohiwa Harbour is situated in the eastern Bay of Plenty in the North Island of New Zealand. The Harbour covers about 26 square kilometres. It was formed around 6,000 years ago and is protected by two sand spits, Ohope, 6km long on the west, and Ohiwa, less than 1km on the east. There are a number of islands in the Harbour, Ohakana, Uretara, Hokianga and Pataua.

Ohiwa Harbour is one of the best sights to observe migratory waders. The eastern Bay of Plenty in general is one of the best places for birding in the North Island. The Birdsaplenty, the Bay of Plenty Bird Festival, and the Welcoming of the Godwits, is held there every year.


Ohiwa is an ancestral taonga of significance to many Maori groups such as Ngati Awa, Upokorehe, Whakatohea and Tuhoe.

E noho ana ki te koko ki Ohiwa
Whakarongo rua aku taringa ki te tai o tua o Kanewa
E aki ana mai ki uta ra
Ki te whanau a Tairongo
Ko Tauwhare te kopu o te Ururoa
Ko te kai rari noa mai te Raweketia
A te ringaringa

As I sit on the beach at Ohiwa
I listen to the waves beating over the sandbar at Kanewa
Against the foreshore
The home of my ancestor Tairongo
My mind wanders to Tauwhare,
The birthplace of the shark
and to the foodbasket of many hands.

(page last updated  06 July 2011)